BETWEEN THE LIES by Cynthia A. Graham & Giveaway


Heartbreak and hope are at the center of Cynthia A. Graham’s novel, BETWEEN THE LIES (BlackSlatePress).

When the corrupt sheriff of Broken Creek, Arkansas detains a young black boy on charges of accidental homicide, his sister asks Hick Blackburn, Sheriff of Cherokee Crossing, to investigate. Hick is reluctant at first. Not only is Broken Creek out of his jurisdiction, but Hick and Sheriff Brewster have a history, and Hick knows Brewster won’t look kindly on his interference.

With the aid of a New York attorney trying to make a name for herself and a shy new deputy who knows the boy’s family, Hick uncovers a conspiracy that goes to the heart of local corruption, nepotism, and racism. But while Hick is working to free an innocent child in Broken Creek, his beloved Maggie, pregnant with their third child, faces challenges of her own back home.

This time, will Hick’s dedication to justice extract too high a price?

(Thank you BlackSlatePress for summary)Add to Goodreads badge

Purchase Links

Amazon | Books-A-Million | Barnes & Noble

About Cynthia A. Graham

Cynthia A. Graham was born in St. Louis, Missouri. As a child she spent every weekend and vacation in the cotton belt of Missouri where she grew to love the mystery and beauty of the stark, Delta Plain. Cynthia graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Missouri – St. Louis with a B.A. in English. She has won several awards for her short stories and has been published in a number of anthologies. Between the Lies follows the first two books in her historical mystery series featuring Sheriff Hick Blackburn, Beneath Still Water and Behind Every Door, which both won IPPY and MIPA awards.

Connect with Cynthia

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Thanks to TLC Book Tours and BlackSlatePress, we have a copy to giveaway. Just tell us which novel you’ve read recently and warmed your heart. We’ll announce a winner soon. Good luck.

GIVEAWAY: USA only please.

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19 thoughts on “BETWEEN THE LIES by Cynthia A. Graham & Giveaway

  1. I just finished an ARC of Kristan Higgins’ latest Good Luck with That. Talk about warm your heart. Between the Lies sounds like a good story. Thanks for the chance to win.

    Liked by 1 person

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