
The Tangle family, two parents and four kids, live in New Jersey, in a modest cape with three bedrooms and a small patch of lawn, dad mows every Saturday. Thirteen year-old, Ginger is the oldest, Mimi is known for her Shirley Temple dimples, 8-year old Charlie is blessed with gorgeous eyelashes and the youngest Callie, has a delightful smile.

Life is pretty simple. Dad, Solly works for an overstock company and matriarch, Glory dreams about how it all would be different, if she’d become a stage star. Now she entertains herself doing jigsaw puzzles of places she wants to visit. One summer, the Tangles go on very rare vacation.

After a tragic accident on Martha’s Vineyard, keeping secrets becomes a way of life for the Tangle family. When they get older, with memories tightly locked away, the sisters take very different paths. Callie disappears, Mimi keeps so busy she has no time to think, and Ginger is always so worried something bad is going to happen, that she almost loses her family, the relationships she holds most dear. After Ginger’s daughter, Julia overhears her mother reveal a long-held family secret everything changes.

Nancy Star is known for writing complex and compelling stories about family relationships. SISTERS ONE, TWO, THREE is no different. Once I started reading, I was drawn into the characters and their emotions. Some were universal and easy to content with, others took time to digest. Speaking the truth and receiving truth is not easy for these characters. It’s been said, “you are as sick as your secrets” and the Tangles need time to heal. I love stories about women, particularly mothers and daughters and sisters. SISTERS ONE, TWO, THREE is about love and witty at times, but also explores how we can learn to forgive and let go.

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About Nancy Star


Nancy Star is the author of four previous novels: Carpool Diem, Up Next, Now This, and Buried Lives. Her nonfiction writing has appeared in the New York TimesFamily Circle, Diversion magazine, and on the web. Before embarking on her writing career, Nancy worked for more than a decade as a movie executive in the film business, dividing her time between New York and London. She has two grown daughters and a son-in-law and now lives in New Jersey with her husband.

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Thanks to TLC Book Tours   we have one copy of SISTERS ONE, TWO, THREE to giveaway. Just tell us something you remember from your childhood.

We’ll announce a winner next Monday, January 30th.

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25 thoughts on “SISTERS ONE, TWO, THREE by Nancy Star & GIVEAWAY

  1. I remember a lot from my childhood, but my favorites are running around barefoot like a wild child. Those were the days. Outside all summer!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I really enjoyed riding my bicycle around the neighborhood, there were 7 children in my family, so this was what gave my peaceful times.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The best thing I remember about my childhood was the excitement I felt when my scholastic book order came in. 📚😁 Reading helped me alot with my parents divorce and I have been a devoted reader since I was a toddler. 💕📚

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I remember my sister and I in bed at night, in our new bunkbeds, taking turns singing and being graded on how good we sang, by each other. It was fun…but, boy did we have some disagreements!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Running around our town on our bikes, exploring, being home c when the 12 and 5 o’clock whistle went off…we had a great kids had to be so’s sad how much things have changed!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I remember getting in trouble in third grade for putting my chair on my desk than sitting on the chair. I was always a rule follower so I think my teacher was shocked.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I remember needing to be home by the time the 6 p.m. horn sounded and being able to ride your bike around town without a care in the world (grew up in a small farm town in Iowa). I miss those days!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I’m an only child so my childhood was filled with lots of make believe with my stuffed animals. I played school a lot with them.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I remember going roller skating every weekend with my friends, even to this day I love to roller skate. Thanks for this generous giveaway.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. WOW! This book sounds really good. My family has a lot of secrets. I found out a big one with I was in my 20s. I remember when I was little me and one of my sisters weren’t allowed to cross the railroad tracks, but we always did. All of the fun stuff was on that side. there was the river that we used to go play near and the woods where we found an old grave and some boys actually tried to dig it up because the tomb stone said Jesse James. Whether it was the real one or just someone with the same name buried in the middle of the woods with nothing around, no one knows, but those boys were determined to find out. They were sure there was a bunch of money buried with him. I got scared and ran home. I didn’t want to see any dead bodies. Those are just a couple of my stories. There were many more exciting times back then.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. One of my fondest memories still to this day is when my Uncle Charlie would lift me up over his head and spin me like a helicopter. Unfortunately I also remember how bummed I was when I got to big for that haha. Ahh to be small again…


  12. Playing outside every night with all the kids in the neighborhood. We didn’t come home until the street lights came on. Those were such great times.


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