
 “The hair on the back of her neck went up, a feeling as if she were being watched. From the depths of the porch up ahead, the tinkling of chimes filled the air. Elise stopped and turned slowly. Her eyes scanned the black silhouettes of the trees surrounding her.” In The Blue Hour

In IN THE BLUE HOUR (Lake Union Publishing), by Elizabeth Hall, Elise is suffering intense grief after the death of her husband. She believes she’s responsible, because she saw the car accident in her dreams and didn’t tell Michael in advance. Elise embraces both, Native American wisdom she grew up with and the world of psychics and seers. She believes his spirit may be with her in the form of a raven.

When Celestina, a tarot-card reader suggests she take a journey to an address found in Michael’s jacket, Elise first attends a séance. Afterwards, she leaves New Mexico on a cross-country trek to Tennessee, following clues and hoping to find answers.

She hires Tom Dugan to drive her in Michael’s old truck. He’s a non-believer who has been working for Celestina. Tom, an engineer and scientist doesn’t believe in psychics or mediums, drives while Elise navigates at the leading of the spirit world, in an attempt to unravel her husband’s message. At the end of IN THE BLUE HOUR, Elise, in her state of sadness, and readers, are rewarded with a highly unexpected reunion.

IN THE BLUE HOUR was quite different anything I’ve read. I was intrigued to learn about Native American culture, folklore and the world of psychics and mediums. I enjoyed the pacing of the story and how I gradually got to know the characters. Elizabeth has a subtle talent in the method she creates her characters. I was reading along and then there was a moment when they visually “appeared” in my mind, fully developed. It was as if I was “watching” the book be created. I’m curious to read more of Elizabeth Hall’s work.

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Elizabeth Hall, author of Miramont’s Ghost, has worked as a teacher, communications consultant, and radio host. She spent many years in the mountains of Colorado and now resides in the Pacific Northwest, where she indulges in the fiber arts of knitting, beading, and weaving.






Thanks to TLC Book Tours and Lake Union Publishing, we have one copy of IN THE BLUE HOUR to giveaway. Just tell us if you’ve ever had an experience with dreams or a psychic?

We’ll announce a winner Monday, November 7th.

Remember, Election Day is coming up Tuesday, so if you haven’t already voted, please get out and vote! Have a great day.



11 thoughts on “IN THE BLUE HOUR by Elizabeth Hall & GIVEAWAY

  1. Yes, I have had both. My premonitions come in the form of dreams. I also visited a psychic once and determined that she was a fake. I do not believe they are all fakes…..I “see” some things and I am not fake. I’m usually more surprised by the things I don’t see.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I have had dreams which were real. Premonitions of the future, events, things which happened in life and this has been going on ever since I was young. I felt and knew about things which were going to take place.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The way you describe the story appearing in your mind, watching it be created, is something I’ve never experienced, and I’m very envious! It sounds like a very interesting experience.

    Thanks for being a part of the tour!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I always have very interesting and weird dreams that most of the time I’m glad don’t really come to life! I’ve never had an experience with a psychic. This book sounds very good. Would love to read it!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I have had feelings about things and just knew what was going to happen. I would like to go to a psychic just for the experience. This sounds like a good book!

    Liked by 1 person

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